Idaho Statesman

“Today, we stand united as a community, celebrating a resounding victory in our fight against political violence and extremism. The recent civil court decision to hold Ammon Bundy and his associate Diego Rodriguez accountable for their actions at St. Luke’s Health System serves as a powerful reminder that no one is above the law, and that our collective commitment to justice and empathy will prevail against those who seek to sow discord and chaos in our society.

The incident at St. Luke’s Health System was a distressing display of extremist behavior, where Mr. Bundy and his followers trespassed on private property and, more alarmingly, blocked access to emergency services. As a result of their actions, the hospital was forced to shut down, diverting ambulances and blocking emergency department care. Subsequently, the hospital and staff members were targeted and defamed with vicious lies.

Bundy and Rodriguez even claimed that the hospital was “working with the government to take children away from Christian families to be sexually abused and given to gay couples.” Such actions are utterly reprehensible and stand in stark contrast to the values we hold dear as Idahoans.

The very nature of extremism lies in the manipulation and exploitation of people’s fears and insecurities. Extremists like Bundy often exhibit narcissistic tendencies, seeking grandiose attention and power at the expense of others. Their lack of empathy for those they harm is deeply troubling, as they prey on controversial social issues to breed fear and division among our communities.

By peddling misinformation and stoking the flames of fear, extremists like Bundy aim to collect a following of easily influenced individuals who may feel marginalized, frustrated, or disenfranchised. They prey on the vulnerable and attempt to control them through manipulation and false promises. As responsible leaders, it is our duty to remain vigilant against such divisive forces and uphold the principles of justice, fairness, and compassion.

The jury’s decision to award $26 million in punitive damages and $26.5 million in compensatory damages sends a powerful message that extremist actions will not be tolerated in our society. We commend the legal system for holding Bundy and his followers accountable for their actions and ensuring that justice is served.


Standing up to Support Idaho Teachers


Holding Extremist Accountable