Idaho Statesman

“Ammon Bundy, a name that has become synonymous with violence, lawlessness, and reckless behavior, seems to have recently fled the state of Idaho. Rather than stand and face justice for his dangerous actions that put our community at risk and shut down the largest hospital campus in the state in March of 2022, Bundy just left.

Bundy, an anti-government extremist who moved to Idaho in 2015, had become an ongoing source of turmoil, division, and unease as he spread misinformation and inflammatory rhetoric to elevate his profile and promote his personal beliefs during his near decade of disruption in our state. His penchant for seditious language had progressed at an alarming rate — far beyond ordinary civil discourse. These were the words of a man who, after years of stepping on the rights of others, believed he could use the threat of violence as a weapon with impunity.

Idaho showed him he was wrong.

The recent lawsuit brought by St. Luke’s Health System against Bundy and his associates for maligning and putting at risk St. Luke’s patients and employees was a meaningful and pointed step toward pushing back against violent extremism in Idaho. St. Luke’s deserves commendation for its response, determinedly pursuing justice in the face of external pressure and continued harassment. By holding Bundy accountable for his actions, St. Luke’s has exemplified leadership and commitment to the values that make Idaho a law-abiding state. The lawsuit, which resulted in court-ordered financial damages, instigated Bundy’s departure from Idaho. St. Luke’s was a major player in a larger effort, joined by thousands of leaders across the state, that stood together to denounce Bundy’s vigilantism.

Bundy’s withdrawal is a tangible victory for the preservation of Idaho’s strong values — perhaps values that were underestimated by Bundy and his cronies in his eight years here. The resulting fallout from the threatening and potentially violent disruption staged at St. Luke’s illustrates what happens when the core values of Idahoans are disregarded. Bundy’s departure may be demonstrative of his cowardice, but it also sends a clear and pointed message to any would-be vigilantes or followers hoping to sow discord and propagate violence: actions have consequences.”


Idaho Matters


Standing up Against Extremism and POlitical Violence