We all are leaders in our community. We all have a role to stand up.

Learning from our past… and standing up for idaho now

Idaho Leaders United Board member Tommy Ahlquist had the opportunity to sit down with Wassmuth Center for Human Rights director Christina Bruce-Bennion.  

Topics of discussion included the history of white nationalism in Idaho, what we can learn from efforts to push out the Aryan Nations and how those lessons can be applied to our current challenges.  Her words continue to echo our thoughts:  “When we see something - we need to do something.”  Take a look and be inspired to find ways to step up for our communities and state.

Living out the Idaho Leaders United pledge

Thousands of Idahoans have now taken the Idaho Leaders United pledge.  We are finding ways to speak out against extremism and political violence across the state.  We are encouraged and humbled by all of you taking action to the betterment of your communities!

Just one example of living out this pledge is Heritage Health CEO and Coeur d’Alene resident Mike Baker.  His recent Op-Ed in the CDA Press noted the following,

“As a father, husband and community leader in Kootenai County, I believe our leaders should embody the best of our community's values — unity, integrity and compassion. I’ll be the first to admit my weaknesses; I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and hopefully, those mistakes have made me a better person as I learn from them every day.”

Join us in lending your voice to Idaho Leaders United. Sign our pledge if you haven’t already, and share our video with your family, friends and neighbors.  


Senate Bill 1220