Behind Idaho Leaders United

A letter from Paul Wilde, Former Bonneville County Sheriff


As the sheriff of Bonneville County for 13 years, I saw firsthand how violence and threats of violence can harm a community.

As a sheriff, I believed it was essential that our civic institutions and the rule of law stand up to those who use violence to try and force their fringe and often bigoted views on our entire community. I did that, best I could, and I believe that because we worked together to protect Idaho’s values we allowed all voices to be heard without harm.

In the spirit of that ongoing work to protect our community, I am thrilled to announce that today business, law enforcement, and community leaders from across Idaho are launching a new coalition effort to counter violent political extremism. Our new coalition, Idaho Leaders United, formed in response to the alarming rise of political violence and we believe that by working together, across the state, we can stop violent threats to our community and our democracy.

There are some values we nearly all share: hard work, respect for each other, and a commitment to serve our communities. Yet there are some that look to use violence to separate, threaten and intimidate us. Political violence is only successful when it divides us, so the goal of Idaho Leaders United is to bring together voices from around the state to show that we will not be intimidated, and that our collective values are stronger than the bad actions of a small few.

The leaders behind this coalition include voices from business, law enforcement, the military, agriculture and faith. We need your voice too — because our success depends on our collective will to set a standard that all must follow.

As a part of the coalition launch, today Idaho Leaders United introduced the “Idaho Leaders United Pledge” which denounces violent political extremism, bigotry, and discrimination.

The pledge states, “Unfortunately, violent political extremism is once again emerging across our state and threatening the safe, secure Idaho we know and love. Extremism poses a dangerous threat to our public safety and civil society. We believe Idahoans deserve to live their lives and engage in our communities without fear that they or their families will be targets of intimidation, bullying and violence.”

The Idaho Leaders United call on all Idahoans to sign onto the pledge.

As part of our launch, I want to highlight some of our key leaders, and share their thoughts about why now is the time for action against violence.

  • Cortney Liddiard, the CEO of Ball Ventures, said this about the new coalition, “For Idaho to thrive, we need people and institutions who are interested in solving real problems, not manufacturing chaos. I’m honored to step forward with this team to speak out against extremism and stand up for the majority of Idahoans who reject political violence and bigotry.”

  • Odette Bolano, a member of the leadership committee of ILU and the CEO and President of Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center said, “We are joining in this effort to speak up for those who may be targeted by hate and political violence. Saint Alphonsus explicitly embraces a culture that prevents harm and nurtures a healing, safe environment for all.”

  • Former Ada County Sheriff Gary Raney, another co-founder of ILU said, “Our country is built on respect for each other and the rule of law. Extremists who encourage political violence undermine the constitutional principles that are core American values. There can be no safe harbor for those attitudes or activities in Idaho.”

  • “Idaho’s best years are ahead, but only if our entire community stands up and denounces the very small group of violent extremists that want to use threats and intimidation to tear down our state and our communities. Today, Idaho Leaders United says ‘our state is better than your violence’ and this coalition represents the beginning of a new dawn in Idaho politics: we will not tolerate political violence any more,” said Bill Shawver, former Brigadier General of the Idaho Air National Guard.

Please join these leaders today, sign the pledge, and help us all stand up for the Idaho we know and love.


Paul Wilde

Former Sheriff, Bonneville County


Share your story

Idahoans across the state have signed on to be a part of our growing network. Share your story about why you are standing up for Idaho and against political violence.


